Tupa Inca Tunic

Tupa (T' oqapu) Inca tunic held at Dumbarton Oaks library, Washington. ...


Moccasins from an Algonquian nation, 19th century. ...

The Accounting Tablet

Tablet from the administrative archives of the temple of Ba'u at Lagash quoting the wages due to the different categories of personnel, about the time of Uruinimgina. These accounting tablets represent the first step in the development of the cuneif...

Stele of the ode of Hammurabi 

The Code of Hammurabi contains 282 articles of law, which regulate many aspects of Mesopotamian society. The Code governs criminal offences, commerce, marriage, architecture and agriculture. The steles were a means of spreading the laws, and this al...

Anishnabek Birchbark Pipe

Pipes could be made from any material, including birchbark, wood and stone. Whatever the material, pipes helped to bring knowledge and peace of mind. This particular one is in the form of a miniature moose call. ...

Anishnabek Pipe

Made of soapstone and wood, this pipe would be filled with natural tobacco. During times of storytelling, the Anishnabek (known in the academic world as the Algonquin) believed that smoking the pipe was an unspoken message for the people to listen a...