Sistine Chapel

The Sistine Chapel 360 view of this key heritage site, important religious centre, and significant example of Renaissance art in the ceiling designs by Michelangelo ...

Roman Calendar

Rendering and an actual image of the Fasti Antiates, a painted wall-calendar from the late Roman Republic, the oldest archaeologically attested local Roman calendar and the only such calendar known from before the Julian calendar reforms. (Drawing ...

Pantheon in Rome

Reconstruction of the Pantheon in Rome, seen from the side, cut away to reveal the interior. ...

Mausoleum of Augustus

Idealized painting of the heritage site of the Mausoleum of Augustus (1575) by Étienne Dúperac, with a view of the gardens of Cardinal Francesco Soderini. ...
thumbnail of map

Map of the Country of the Five Nations

A MAP of the Country of the Five Nations, belonging to the Province of New York; and of the Lakes near which the Nations of Far Indians live, with part of Canada. N.B. The Tuscaroras are now reckon'd a sixth Nation, & live between the Onondagues...