"The industrialization of Quebec brought with it another phenomenon: urbanization. In fact, more and more people were now living in cities than in the countryside. Most people moved to the city because that was where the industries were located. And...
"Portrait Of Major John Norton (Teyoninhokarawen). Historical paintings portraying Indigenous people are frequently loaded with harmful, colonial stereotypes. Major John Norton was a British colonial officer of mixed European and Cherokee heritage w...
A modern, more ethnographically accurate 1920 update of an earlier 1796 rendition of the hunting, fishing, and gathering tools of Acadians, or what could have been the Mi'kmaq people.
A marble relief of a wedding scene: veiled bride followed by pronuba clasps hands with groom before altar; on the left a huge male carries the sacrificial bull on his shoulder, on the right a maenad dances.
During the crusades, Pope John VIII declared that warriors who died fighting pagans would surely have eternal life. Here lies a depiction of Christ being crucified between the two thieves.