Elijah Boardman

Portrait of Elijah Boardman, a merchant in the Thirteen Colonies around 1745. ...

Gentleman Farmer

An illustration depicting the yeoman and the gentleman farmer, social groups present in the Thirteen Colonies around 1745. ...

George Washington

A portrait of a young George Washington, prominent individual in the Thirteen Colonies around 1745. ...

Benjamin Franklin

Portrait of Benjamin Franklin, prominent individual in the Thirteen Colonies around 1745. ...

Les Filles du roi / King’s daughters

Painting by Eleanor Fortescue-Brickdale (before 1927) depicting a scene of the arrival of women destined to marry French-Canadian farmers in Quebec City in 1667. It portrays Jean Talon and François de Laval, vicar apostolic of New France welcoming ...

Marguerite Bourgeoys

Portrait of Marguerite Bourgeoys a prominent individual in New France who opened the first school in Montréal in 1658, painted by Pierre le Ber. ...

Major John Norton (Mohawk Chief Teyoninhokarawen)

"Portrait Of Major John Norton (Teyoninhokarawen). Historical paintings portraying Indigenous people are frequently loaded with harmful, colonial stereotypes. Major John Norton was a British colonial officer of mixed European and Cherokee heritage w...