Stele of the ode of Hammurabi 

The Code of Hammurabi contains 282 articles of law, which regulate many aspects of Mesopotamian society. The Code governs criminal offences, commerce, marriage, architecture and agriculture. The steles were a means of spreading the laws, and this al...

No taxation without representation

Print shows citizens in Boston burning proclamations from England pertaining to the stamp act of 1765, one of twelve scenes depicting the history of the American Revolution. ...

Joseph Masson (1791-1847)

Joseph Masson (January 5, 1791 – May 15, 1847) was Canadian businessman, who is considered the first French Canadian millionaire. Masson was Member of the Legislative Council of Lower Canada from 1834 to 1838. ...

Colosseum with Stations of the Cross

Giovanni Battista Piranesi's rendering of the Colosseum "revealing the plan and exposing the structure. Piranesi's labels ... inform us of the location in which each rank of Roman society would have been seated, from the emperor and his court to the...

Pantheon in Rome

Reconstruction of the Pantheon in Rome, seen from the side, cut away to reveal the interior. ...

Mausoleum of Augustus

Idealized painting of the heritage site of the Mausoleum of Augustus (1575) by Étienne Dúperac, with a view of the gardens of Cardinal Francesco Soderini. ...